It’s the 1920s, and before these new airlines people are talking about can start flying around the world, the routes the aeroplanes will fly have to be mapped out and tested. As a daring pilot, you want to be the first, you want to set the record for the fastest flight between two cities, to be known as the Route-Finder — and the most challenging flights are intercontinentals: London to Melbourne, London to Wellington, or Tokyo to Rome.
But, if you’re going to win fame and (perhaps) fortune, you need to be a careful planner and a dedicated engineer. Your aeroplane will have limited performance, so your route must be carefully chosen, and your aeroplane design well thought out to complete the route as quickly as possible. Before getting stuck into the fun stuff, you need to find the funding to support your flight – you think it’s a great idea, but how many others do? Luckily, it’s a time of great interest in flight and pilots, so finding some funding shouldn’t be a problem. Finding enough funding, though – that’s tricky. And then, Mother Nature awaits. Will she look kindly on your route-finding flight?
Game play in Route-Finder: Intercontinental involves using 2D6 and look up tables to find your sponsors and Finance, which allows you to buy the parts for your aeroplane. Choosing these depends on the route you intend to fly – will it be land or water based, short or long hops? But you need to track how much Finance you’ve used – you’ll need a lot during the flight for refuelling, repairs, etc. Once your aeroplane’s ready to go, your flight is a series of flight legs and city stopovers, with your aeroplanes technologies and 2D6 rolls and look up tables determining what happens during each. If you manage your Finance right, keep your aeroplane in good order, and choose your Route wisely, you might just find your Route.
Multi-player mode can be co-operative or competitive. Several players can play as different members of the same crew, each bringing different strengths to the challenge, and sharing in the decision making. Or each player could fly their own aeroplane, the pilot who arrives in the least number of Days being the winner.
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